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Iğdır University Technology Transfer Office; It was established to help commercialization of the information and technology produced at Iğdır University by turning them into practice, to establish cooperation between the university and the industry, to develop existing collaborations, to produce the information and technology needed by the industry at the university, to announce new project ideas and funding opportunities, to make patent applications and to contribute to the development of entrepreneurship. is a building.

The main purpose of Iğdır University Technology Transfer Office is; To provide training, promotion and awareness services for universities, industrialists and entrepreneurs, services for benefiting from support programs, university-industry cooperation activities, project development and management, management and licensing of intellectual and industrial rights, incorporation and entrepreneurship, and to provide scientific and technological information within Iğdır University. to transform it into social benefit and economic value.

The fields of activity of Iğdır University Technology Transfer Office are;

a) University and business world; To provide information on subjects such as R&D, technology, university-industry cooperation, to carry out awareness, promotion, information and training activities.

b) To provide information, project design and administrative support services for the university and business world to benefit from various grant support programs.

c) To ensure that contracted R&D activities are carried out between the university and industry, and solutions are produced for the problems and needs of the industry.

ç) To carry out activities to support the processes of identifying, protecting and commercializing works that can be considered within the scope of intellectual property in universities.

d) To provide support services for incorporation and entrepreneurship activities. To support companies to be established by academicians and university students in order to bring new products and technologies to the economy.

e) To cooperate with relevant persons, private and public institutions and organizations for the purpose of the office.

f) Within the scope of project development/management services, to produce contracted projects between the industry and the University, to produce information and documents related to the promotion of academicians' fields of expertise, to support project development and the creation of contracts.